Overview of Autostrap configuration sources

Machines deployed through Autostrap draw their configuration from various sources. The schematic above shows a big-picture view of these sources and how they interact with each other. In this section we will discuss the four sources for configuration information Autostrap uses:

  • Default configuration from global-config
  • project specific configuration from a project-config repository
  • Additional user specified configuration repositories
  • cloud-init user-data and metadata.

Read this section to get an in-depth tour of the configuration sources at your disposal. If you are itching to try Autostrap you can skip this section. Just create a private fork of project-config and move on to the Deployment Workflow section.

Configuration Sources

global-config: Default Configuration

The repository global-config contains collections of Puppet classes along with matching Hiera configuration to deploy on Openstack instances. We refer to these collections as topics). Topics can be deployed to instances in two ways: directly, using the topics metadata parameter, or indirectly by integrating them in a project-config repository.

The global-config repository is meant as default configuration, to be overriden and extended by the project-config repository described in the next section.

Entry Position in hiera.yaml

Hierarchy entries pointing to the global-config repository will appear at the very bottom of the hierarchy in hiera.yaml. This means that configuration from either project-config or any of the repositories specified through the additional_config parameter will override it.

Project Configuration

The second pilar of configuration is the project-config repository. This is where a Autostrap user will store most of their configuration. Since a fair amount of configuration is provided by global-config, this repository's configuration payload can be fairly small. For instance, the [project configuration content][ex::docserver] required to set up a web server building and serving this documentation consists of 69 lines at the time of this writing.

Usually a project-config repository starts out as a fork of Autostrap's example project-config repository. We recommend you store this fork in a private Git repository which is accessible with an SSH deploy key provided to machines using the deploy_key parameter of the AS::autostrap Heat resource. The project-config repository's URL and revision are specified through the config_repo and config_branch parameters to the AS::autostrap Heat resource, respectively.

Entry Position in hiera.yaml

Hierarchy entries pointing to the project-config repository will appear before entries from the global-config repository and after entries from additional config repositories.

Additional Configuration

Finally, autostrap contains a mechanism for inserting arbitrary snippets of Hiera configuration. This mechanism is controlled through the AS::autostrap Heat resource's additional_config parameter which contains a space delimited list of git repositories. These repositories are cloned during bootstrapping, and entries in hiera.yaml referencing them are generated.

additional_config Parameter Format

Entries in the list of repositories are formatted as follows:

<repository url>[#<revision>]::[[<path>][:<path> ...]]

An entry consists of the following components:

repository url The Repository's URL (mandatory).
revision A revision (branch or commit ID) of the repository to check out (optional).
path A path referencing a YAML file (the .yaml extension may be omitted), relative to the repository's root directory. Each of these paths will result in an entry in hiera.yaml. There may be multiple paths, separated by colons as in a $PATH variable. Paths my include shell wildcards (*, ?, etc.) which will be expanded.

additional_config Example

This is what the contents of an additional_config parameter might look like:

'https://example.com/my-additional-config.git::ssh/mykeys.yaml \

This will trigger the following actions:

  • Clone https://example.com/my-additional-config.git and symlink it to /etc/puppet/hieradata/my-additional-config.
  • Add my-additional-config/ssh/mykeys to Hiera's hierarchy.
  • Clone git@gitlab.example.com:my-team/my-config.git, checkout revision devel and symlink it to /etc/puppet/hieradata/my-team.
  • Add my-team/ssh/keys, and all contents of the apache/ subdirectory to Hiera's hierarchy.

Entry Position in hiera.yaml

Hierarchy entries resulting from the additional_config parameter will appear before entries from the project-config repository.

Repositories will appear in the order their repository specifications appear in additional_config.

Paths associated with a given repository will appear in the order they were given in the repository's additional_config entry.

cloud-init: User Data Script and Metadata Parameters

Last, but not least, cloud-init, is the glue that binds the other two configuration sources together. It is used in two ways: to inject a user-data script into an instance and to pass so-called 'metadata', a set of key-value parameters. The user-data script kicks off the bootstrapping process, the metadata parameters influence its behaviour.

cloud-init user-data script

The user-data script generated by AS::autostrap is parametrized by its parent heat template and passed to to all servers in a service stack. Through this mechanism the servers receive their deploy keys and their configuration repositories' URLs. This script is usually generated once per service stack and passed to all machines unchanged.

One notable parameter to this script is override_yaml. It contains the contents of override.yaml, a file that will appear at the very top of the machine's hiera.yaml and override all other configuration. This mechanism is very useful for deploying development stacks based off one or more development branches, or for any other temporary configuration you don't want to commit to your project-config repository.

If you require additional high-level entries, for instance to pull in passwords automatically generated by your bootstraping scripts, you can use the extra_overrides parameter to add arbitrary hierarchy entries between override.yaml and additional-config/project-config.

cloud-init metadata parameters

Various cloud-init metadata paremeters influence the behaviour of puppet, pass information (such as its floating IP address), or control the topics deployed on a given machine. Metadata parameters can vary on a per-machine basis (e.g. typically only one machine will be assigned the puppet-master topic while all others are assigned the puppet-agent topic).